The Lakeridge Ask Campaign
The Lakeridge Ask Campaign is the PTA’s main fundraiser for the year. The money you donate to the Lakeridge PTA goes only to Lakeridge and is used to positively impact all kids, that year.
Rather than have numerous fundraisers throughout the year, the PTA asks upfront for what the school needs for the whole year. Year after year, PTA members have found this is less confusing and less work for everyone involved.
Since this directly impacts Lakeridge kids this year, we strive for 100% family participation!
For the 2024-25 school year, the Lakeridge Ask is $300 per child. Please note that this is only a suggested amount, any contribution toward these essential support programs would be appreciated.
why is it critical to donate to the lakeridge ask?
Mercer Island School District (MISD) is perceived to be a fully funded, richly supported school system due to the top-rated, excellent education that students are provided every year. However, perception is not reality. The reality is that state and federal governments do NOT fully fund the education that MISD students receive. YOUR PTA donations are the difference that sets our school apart and allows Lakeridge to provide the truly exceptional and enriched school experience that we all want for our kids. Every dollar donated truly makes a difference!
what does my donation fund?
Your donation helps fund student support services, which would otherwise not be available to our students. In addition, your donation helps fund the many outstanding extra programs and curriculum enhancements that enrich the lives and education of our children.
In order to maintain all the programs and services offered by the PTA, it is extremely important for every family to participate in the Lakeridge Ask Campaign. Donating to the Ask Campaign is your opportunity to make a real difference for your child at Lakeridge!
PTA and the dollars you donate are essential to the learning support programs offered at Lakeridge. Donations allow Lakeridge to provide broad early literacy support to our primary students and targeted intensive literacy support across all grade levels, kindergarten through fifth grade. This support for early literacy, literacy interventions, and academic enrichment allows classroom teachers to support every child more deeply and more individually with more time and resources. As well, your dollars continue to fund additional supervision in the lunchroom, on the playground, and for before/after school supervision. Together, your support helps Lakeridge to create a school environment where all children feel safe and welcome to learn, play and grow together all the while freeing up additional time for teachers to spend on planning and preparing for your children.
Curriculum and Enrichment
- Curriculum Enrichment - for visiting professionals that come to your child's classroom who bring "learning to life"
- Assemblies - valuable learning sessions for the entire school featuring carefully selected professional presenters to enhance curriculum , school culture, and student wellness.
Art Enrichment
MISD Fine Arts Showcase – supplies and support for annual all-island art show highlighting your child's work on display at Mercer Island High School for the entire MI community to admire.
Reflections Art Contest - a comprehensive opportunity for students of all ages to highlight their talents and interests in multiple arts categories.
Science Enrichment
Science Fair – our annual all-inclusive Science Fair evening event open to every Lakeridge Lion either as a participant or attendee. Hands-on science stations and activities complement the traditional science fair projects. Hundreds of displays of passion and interest in science, technology, engineering, math and more!
Adopted Curriculum Support – funds assist in the purchase of teacher training, implementation, enrichment and enhancement of district adopted curricula.
STEM Enrichment
Grants – Opportunity for staff to request monies for special projects and enrichment items not normally accessible to teachers or schools and to make their classrooms even more engaging for students. In the past this has funded Seattle Opera enhancement, artists-in-residence, diverse classroom libraries, social skills programs, computer-aided reading, classroom amplification systems, etc.
Green Team – Learning Garden, Compostable or Reusable Party Supplies, Earth Week, Green Cafeteria, Island-wide Green initiatives
Student Council – funds cover advising and special projects by the student leadership council
Student Safety
3rd Grade Bike Rodeo – safety-focused program for every 3rd grader at Lakeridge in partnership with local police offers and community services.
Kiss‘n Go car drop-off/pick-up adult supervision
Safety Patrol – funds for flags, vests, adult advisors, and year-end event for volunteer participants
Stipends – awarded to teachers to support extracurricular activities like K-Kids, 5th Grade Musical, and Student Council
Teacher & Family Support
Parent and Family Support
Social Events (Welcome Coffee, New Family Coffees, Kindergarten Coffee, Fall Family Picnic, Pancake Breakfast, Culture Night, Family Bingo Night)
Parent Education – speaking events by national authors held throughout the school year
New Families Program – playground events held after school at the start of the year to meet new parents and kids
Membership Communication (Directory, Roar Newsletter, Website hosting)
- Teacher and Staff Support
Teacher Supplies – supplies and/or equipment for each classroom
Awards and Appreciation – events like Staff Appreciation Week activities
Administrative and other operations expenses like PTA education classes, Tax filing, PayPal, etc.
Legislative Advocacy – locally and in Olympia
The amount to be raised will be a joint effort between fundraising and programs. We will not raise money for its own sake and program budgets will be set with fundraising levels in mind. Our biggest fundraiser is the Lakeridge Ask Campaign where the Lakeridge PTA asks each family to donate.
Lakeridge parents desire to focus their volunteer time towards activities that support their children, staff and parent peers. The need to volunteer to assist with fundraising activities should be minimal compared to other volunteering opportunities.
We will strive to increase the percentage of families donating to support PTA programs. Our goal is 100% family participation.
We will avoid the use of competitive fundraisers that encourage our children to sell or buy items.
Fundraising vendors should be evaluated not only on price and service, but also on other factors such as whether or not they are local or not-for-profit.
If you are in a position to donate to the Lakeridge Ask, please consider supporting the school.