Lakeridge PTA Read-A-Thon


Your contributions to the Lakeridge PTA Ask Campaign help support these programs for our students.







Popular School-Wide Program Returns with
Special Prizes & New Fundraising Goal


The Lakeridge PTA’s Read-A-Thon is a school-wide literacy event that encourages a love of reading. Held March 7-16, 2025, and now in its third year, students will find sponsors, track their reading, participate in fun theme days at school, enter a bookmark contest, and win lots of prizes. All proceeds are invested back to the school. Pledges are entirely optional, and all students can participate fully, with or without sponsors.


For the first time, the Read-A-Thon has a BIG NEW FUNDRAISING GOAL of $16,000:

  • If we raise $10,000, the library will receive new activity centers.
  • If we raise $13,000, the library will receive new activity centers & all students will have a popsicle party.
  • If we raise $16,000*, in addition to all the prizes above, 2 new Gaga Ball Pits will be installed at Lakeridge.


*The Top 25 Fundraisers will have their names on the new Gaga Ball Pits!


To make a pledge in support of your student reader please click HERE.


Click on the links below for additional copies of the Read-A-Thon packet.








READING LOG: The Reading Log will be used to track the time you read OUTSIDE of school. Time reading during the school day does not count toward the challenge. All students should practice healthy reading habits and not read after bedtime! Please return the Reading Log to school on Monday, March 17, morning. 


PLEDGE SHEET: Please reach out to family, friends, & neighbors to support you! Sponsors can pledge two ways: 1) make a set, one-time donation, or 2) pledge a certain amount per 15-minute reading period (can be capped). Sponsors can pay online, cash, or check. Please keep the Pledge Sheet at home. All payments are due by March 21. All students are welcome to participate in the Read-A-Thon. Pledges/Donations are not required to participate in the Read-A-Thon. 


BOOKMARK CONTEST: Design a 2025 Read-A-Thon bookmark using the template provided. Turn it in to the main office by March 7. The winning bookmark designs will be given as a prize to all Read-A-Thon participants! Students will vote on their favorite designs in their grade the week of March 10-13. 


PRIZES: The Top Reader Overall, Top 3 Readers in each class, Top Class Overall, Top 3 Participating Classes, and Bookmark Winners will receive special prizes. Students will be recognized at an Award Ceremony on March 20. Top 25 Fundraisers will have their names on the new Gaga Ball Pits. 


Pledges are not required to participate in the Read-a-Thon.